You know how people say "To love someone else, you must first love yourself"? Well, it turns out they are right! If you're looking for a catch, you've got to be a catch. You have to believe it. There's a glow, a certain aura, that people give off when they are in love or loving what they are doing, and people can't help but find it irresistibly attractive. Fall in love with yourself, and you may be surprised to find great things and great people start to gravitate towards you. It's time stop searching out there for your perfect match, and put all that energy back towards yourself. Foster that self-love and self-worth that we so often downplay, ignore or deny. Too often, people settle for what they think they deserve. Do yourself a favor: raise your self-esteem, your standards and your expectations. Today. For a change, try treating yourself the way you would expect your ideal partner to treat you. In other words, date yourself! Compliment yourself, treat yourself, wine and dine yourself, impress yourself. Go out of your way to make you smile. We have an endless supply of love, so toss some of it to the one person that will always be there: you.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Compliment yourself

It is now solely your job to tell yourself all the things you want to hear. Bring a focus to the things you love about yourself, and acknowledge them (out loud if possible) wholeheartedly. Make a point of doing this in the morning. Maybe stand in front of the mirror and say 3 things you like about you. Or you could try making a list and add a new compliment every day. For a challenge, spend 10 minutes a day thinking nothing but good thoughts about yourself. It will probably feel uncomfortable at first, like you're being too vain or immodest. Do it anyway, exaggerate it, and welcome how good it makes you feel when you hear yourself say it. It's a great way to start the day, and trust me, it'll add a little pep to your step. This, of course, is not limited to the mornings. Keep it going throughout the day!

Personal examples:
  • I am frickin' hilarious. I make me laugh.
  • I have knockout legs.
  • It's really nice of me to help out my friends when I can.
  • I like the way I do my eye makeup.
  • I'm proud of my accomplishments and where I am at my age.
  • I'm a catch.

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